diumenge, 2 de febrer del 2014

Block 3: References and Activities


In this third block we as activity based on the innovative ways to teach psychomotor activities in Primary Education. Concretely we played two games prepared by our classmates:

Game 1
It had three parts, the first one was about lying on the floor and imitating a certain animal everytime it was said to us. On the second part we were divided in two groups and placed, every group into an opposite wall of the classroom, then, we were assignated a concrete animal, and with our eyes closed and producind the animals' sound, we had to search all along the room for the member of the other group that was producing our same sound. On the finall part of the activity we repeated the same action but facing the wall in which we were at the beginning of the activity, the reason of that was that with children with low psychomotor abilities turing around can be distracting for them and they may lose the sense of where the other wall is.

Game 2
This game was about producing sounds with our body. First of all we learned a rythm in which "bom" consisted on hitting our breast, "snap" clicking our fingers and "clap" claping our hands. Then the rythm was about saying the word and doing the gesture at the same time, which was "bom snap clap, bom bom snap clap snap, bom snap clap, bom bom snap sht" after that we should repeat the activity doing only the gestures and at the end instead of "sht" we would say "talk!". Later on we tried it in pairs, in groups of four and finally in a big circle all together.

I really enjoyed both games because I think they were well thought and developed, both games were executed from the easy part to, gradually, harder levels. Moreover I think it was funny for us and more interactive not just think about activities and talking about them but also playing them and analyzing them later: "What have we learned here?" "Was coordination worked were? Why?" Etc.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ocaxLQ4ig8 Body Percussion 2 - Salvo Russo

This video show us different ways to work psychodinamic development with body percussion. It is interesting seeing the work of those kids and the difference of performance among them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsZygKgfAm8 Skill Builders for Kids: Bilateral Juggle Hand Eye Coordination Games, Hand Eye Coordination Test.

This video shows different sequences to help children develop coordination between the different actions done at the same time. In the first activity they were supposed to throw the ball from one hand to the other and touch their head with the opposite hand, for example, if a throw the ball from my right hand to the left one, I have to touch my head with my righ hand while the ball is in the air. The second part was about doing the same but touching the thigh at the same time they flex it up, and all this while the ball was in the air going from their left hand to the right one or viceversa. Finally they were supposed to touch their opposite leg but passing it behind their body, so right hand touches left leg and viceversa, all this, again, with the ball in the air.

I found these exercise kind of difficult even for myself, but I think it's a good point to exercise them in a high level in order that they will achieve the maximum of the skills they will be able to. I find this kind of exercise a lot more productive than not just playing football or basketball. 

Baile Ayensa, J. I. (s/a) ¿Qué es la imagen corporal? Centro
Asociado de la UNED de Tudela. Documento en línea

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