the activities done in class and found in Internet I can highlight
the text called: “Desarollo psicológico y procesos educativos” from Jesús
Palacios, César Coll y Alvaro Marchesi, and we answered the questions:
¿Is it the development a prerequisite for education?
¿Is it the development a result of education?
¿Which are the mechanisms of evolutionary changes?
found the development of the reading very useful to understand how development
and education are related, because none of them in consequence of the other,
but they both interrelate and affect the other one in a necessary way.
we used another text called “Observing socio-cultural activity on three planes:
participatory appropriation, guided participation, and apprenticeship” by Barbara
Rogoff. And it defined the guided participation as the “the processes and
systems of involvement between people as they communicate and coordinate
efforts while participating in culturally valued activity”.
on we did the “Activity Theory (Rogoff)”, which was about to create an activity
with guided participation and that includes some learning, we worked in big
groups in finally we accord in taking an activity done by one of my classmates
in their school when he was a child, it consist of, during Saint George week,
prepare paper roses and book markers related with class activities, for
example, to draw in the book markers things worked in visual class, to write
sentences about the compulsory readings done in class, etc. Then during Saint George
day they would sell the material, in order to get some money, during that
process they will learn some mathematics but in real and direct life. And
finally they would give the money to an ONG previously chosen.
we discuss about the video called “Changing Paradigms” by Ken Robinson and we
discussed the main points proposed, which were:
Concept of the Educative System connected to the economy and the academy.
Consequences: Simile of school and
industry, fallacy of the existence of intellectual and non intellectual persons
and false diagnostics based on obsolete educative models
Change of paradigm: Divergent thinking and active and collaborative learning
should be emphasized.
César; Marchesi, Alvaro and Palacios, Jesús: Desarollo psicológico y procesos educativos. Chapter 25, road from:
Rogoff, Barbara: Observing socio-cultural activity on three planes:
participatory appropriation, guided participation, and apprenticeship. Chapter 6, road from:
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